The bloggers’ get together that we had in on Monday was a “Great Success” (Borat).
13 interesting and different people showed up in the Indian restaurant “24 Rupees”. More than a few write in English, or also in English. Also the platforms were diverse: LiveJournal, Typepad, Blogli (WordPress MU based Hebrew blogging site) and independent sites.
It was fun get together with bloggers after commenting on their blogs and vice versa. It was also interesting to meet other various individuals who write in other “blogospheres”.
Bloggers who write in English (or also in English): Arik, Uri, Daniel, Jonathan, Morin, Sharona, , Sharon and myself.
Bloggers who write only in Hebrew: Arnon, Hannit, Atalanta, Tal, and Yossi.
Anyway, it was fun, and thanks again to Arik who organized the whole thing.
Unfortunately, I didn’t pull out my camera, and I’m still waiting for pictures from the other participants. Some came dressed up in a costume – Purim tradition. I showed up as a Drag Queen. I also used that costume a week ago, when my company threw a Purim party with Divas and Drag Queens as the theme for that evening. So, here’s my picture from the company’s party:
Yes it’s me. Next time I’ll be a tough biker, so I’ll regain my reputation as a male…