Someone asked me if there were already songs for the last war. Well, the war ended only a month ago, on August 14th. Songs? So soon?
Well, today I was surprised to hear a commercial for a new compilation of songs from the recent war in Lebanon. I guess that the record company wants to make some easy money before the Jewish New Years Eve (Rosh Hashana is in 2 days). As I understood, all the songs are old songs, some of them in new remix versions. The songs that are featured in the commercial are either patriotic or longing for peaceful times. Where are the angry, frustrated songs?
The woman who narrated the radio commercial seemed so pleased with the songs, and also from the war. Such good songs, so touching, oh, how we miss the war!
I don’t get it. Hardly anyone in Israel believes that we won the war. There are arguments about the amount of damage inflicted on Hezbollah, about the diplomatic achievements, etc. There is lots of criticism about the government’s poor role in running the war. This refers to both military and civil issues. The war doesn’t top the agenda, mostly becasuse people want to forget it. More than 160 people dead, scores of wounded civilians and soldiers and serious economic damage (strenghened by a cruel budget for 2007).
That was the war. No glory, no calm, no pretty songs.