Bloggers’ GetTogether in Purim – the Afterpost

The bloggers’ get together that we had in on Monday was a “Great Success”. 13 interesting and different people showed up in the Indian restaurant “24 Rupees”. More than a few write in English, or also in English… Also the platforms were diverse… So, here’s my picture from the company’s party:

The bloggers’ get together that we had in on Monday was a “Great Success” (Borat).

13 interesting and different people showed up in the Indian restaurant “24 Rupees”. More than a few write in English, or also in English. Also the platforms were diverse: LiveJournal, Typepad, Blogli (WordPress MU based Hebrew blogging site) and independent sites.

It was fun get together with bloggers after commenting on their blogs and vice versa. It was also interesting to meet other various individuals who write in other “blogospheres”.

Bloggers who write in English (or also in English): Arik, Uri, Daniel, Jonathan, Morin, Sharona, , Sharon and myself.

Bloggers who write only in Hebrew: Arnon, Hannit, Atalanta, Tal, and Yossi.

Anyway, it was fun, and thanks again to Arik who organized the whole thing.

Unfortunately, I didn’t pull out my camera, and I’m still waiting for pictures from the other participants. Some came dressed up in a costume – Purim tradition. I showed up as a Drag Queen. I also used that costume a week ago, when my company threw a Purim party with Divas and Drag Queens as the theme for that evening. So, here’s my picture from the company’s party:

Dressed up as a Drag Queen

Yes it’s me. Next time I’ll be a tough biker, so I’ll regain my reputation as a male…

Blogosphere GetTogether in Purim

Blogosphere GetTogether in Purim - Image by Arik
Arik, who expresses himself in Hebrew, and in English is organizing a get together of bloggers in the upcoming Purim holiday. It will take place on March 5th at 21:00.

Update: Final location is an Indian restaurant called 24 Rupee. It’s a cozy place in Tel Aviv’s south side.
Address: Shoken 14-16. Tel: 03-6818066.

Update 2: It’s today!!! Currently there are 13 participants + 4 on the sidelines. Everybody’s welcome.

So if you’re coming (do come!):

  • Notify Arik that you are arriving
  • We are exchanging food offerings “Mishloach Manot” according to Purim tradition. So bring your own and keep it around 50 shekels.
  • Purim tradition #2: Come with a costume. Some people are dressing up with a costume that resembles their blog. Quite a challenge. Any costume is welcome.
  • Pass the word in your blogs with a trackback to Arik’s post.

It’s going to be pure fun. Come along!

Being Ehud Olmert

Israeli Prime Minister is acting like a blind man who ignores reality. That’s how he (me in a costume) looks like:

Israeli Prime Minister is acting like a blind man who ignores reality. That’s how he (me in a costume) looks like:

Ehud Olmert

Peace Now organized a special protest for Purim – a special government meeting around a table with ice, featuring blind PM Ehud Olmert, FM Tzipi Livni as the “Queen of ice”, Amir Peretz as “Minister of War”, Avigdor Lieberman as “Minister of Racism” and Raleb Majadla (the first Arab minister) as the “Fig Leaf”. The event took place in Jerusalem, near the PMs residents.

This special event for Purim was in protest of the government’s failure to do anything for peace. Assad’s declarations were trashed, and FM Tzipi Livni declined the Arab initiative on Thursday morning (Good timing for the protest!)

Peace Now pleaded me to participate as PM Olmert, claiming that there is a significant resemblance between us. We both lack some hair upfront and have a bright complexion, but that sums up our similarities. I wore a suit (courtesy of Sir Bob) and held a walking cane. Anyway, in the last moment they brought the mask that you see, so anyone could be Olmert…

The event was covered by a few representatives from the media. I was interviewed by Ynet, which quoted only a very short portion of what I had to say. Here’s the link in Hebrew.

Dancing Camel – Good Israeli Beer

Israel is not known for its beers. Well, we don’t have the European tradition of drinking beer. Goldstar and Maccabi brands were here for a long time, as regular lager beers. Such lager beers are made in every country. The relatively new Dancing Camel brand is huge leap in Israeli beers. Its both special and tasty.

Israel is not known for its beers. Well, we don’t have the European tradition of drinking beer. Goldstar and Maccabi brands were here for a long time, as regular lager beers. Such lager beers are made in every country. The relatively new Dancing Camel brand is huge leap in Israeli beers. Its both special and tasty.

Dancing Camel Israeli Beer
The picture was taken at the Temple Bar (Cinema City). I recommend drinking it at the Norma Jean.

It began as a “botique” brand that couldn’t be found everywhere, but now its more common. Dancing Camel comes in 4 flavors: Pale Ale (red malt with date honey), IPA India Pale Ale (strong beer with dried fruit aroma), Midnight Stout (an “Irish” dark beer) and Hefe-Wit (Belgian style wheat beer).

If you are a tourist in Israel curious for local beers, go for Dancing Camel. If you are not much of a beer drinker, go for Goldstar – it’s ok. But don’t drink Maccabi! It sucks…

For more information in English, watch this IBA news item.
For more information in Hebrew, read this article in NRG.

Earthquake in Israel

Today it happened again. The building shook for a second. As you can see, my lambs made it through these earthquakes:

Today it happened again. The building shook for a second. I work on the 6th floor of a 30+ story building. I’m not sure that it truly was an earthquake, but it sure felt like one for my colleagues and myself. This followed two minor earthquakes that were reported a few days ago.

Lambs that survived the earthquake

As you can see, my lambs made it through these earthquakes. The tower mounted on my computer screen withstood the danger:

Every kid here knows that Israel is located on the Syrian-African Rift or the Great Rift Valley. Experts have warned in the past that a major earthquake would be devastating, and that 107,000 buildings should be strengthened (Hebrew link) . The authorities have more important issues to deal with. I guess.