The Free Hugs movement / campaign / initiative / whatever celebrated it’s one year anniversary. A small street party was thrown in Rabin Square.
More Free Hugs Pictures.
I got to know the Israeli huggers from the very beginning. I randomly met on the street, took some pictures and posted them. They wanted my pictures, contacted me, and invited me to join their next session.
They offer free hugs every Tuesday afternoon, and I began joining them, later becoming friends with some of them. In the past months, I’ve rarely gone there. The media made a big story, and many people doubted that they’ll prevail. But since October 2006, they’re on the street every week. Additionally, more hugging groups have sprung across the country.
The celebration, this Tuesday, contained mostly mingling, and not too much hugging of strangers. It was fun meeting all the “generations” of huggers. Some of them are deep into “New Age” culture, and some are just “normal” people.
There were special guests from Italy: Luca and Giordano. They are traveling from Italy, overland, across Europe and the Middle East. We all asked them how was Syria for them. The answer was disappointing: They told us that as soon as they appeared on the streets with the Free Hugs signs, the police approached them, fearing that they were starting some demonstrations or public disorder of any kind. So, they didn’t do much hugging over there.
So, this anniversary was fun. The huggers’ dedication, much after Juan Mann’s buzz, is very impressing.