Mixtape of Political Protest Songs – I’m selling it!

No I haven’t made a fresh mixtape of Political Protest Songs. I just put the mixtape “on sale”.

There’s a new Web 2.0 site called Mixaloo. They offer users to mix a tape and offer it for sale on their site. The revenues are shared between the Mixaloo and the user.

I reached this site through a promotion on TechCrunch, which I was lucky to enter. Officially there are only 1000 invitations to TechCrunch readers, but I doubt that I’ve been so quick with responding to the promotion. TechCrunch is popular, so I’m sure there were more than “only” 1000 invitations.

So., here’s the mixtape for sale:

I recommend buying the full albums that I’ve featured in the mixtape. U2, Tracy Chapman, Bob Dylan, R.E.M, Sting, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, The Smiths, Neil Young and Pearl Jam are all superb artists. I chose songs that I love from albums that I love, with many live performance versions. Preferably, buy albums at a local store, and not through iTunes or a big network.

I doubt that someone will pay $9.90 for the mixtape. But, it’ll sure be an interesting experiment…