Google Analytics‘ Average Time on Site has mysteriously jumped to much longer times. This big leap in numbers on past days is strange. Am I supposed to feel better now, believing that my readers have actually spent double time on my sites?
I remember seeing an average time on site of 2:50 minutes on a specific day, and suddenly I see 5:23. On another day, I remember seeing about 3 minutes, and now I see over 7 minutes.
This week, Google Analytics abandoned their old interface. Only the new well styled interface can be viewed. I still miss the “by hour” analysis that isn’t seen in the new interface. Maybe there’s a connection between both events.
Anyway, I haven’t seen a report on it elsewhere on the web (using Google’s search).
Did anyone else run into this strange phenomenon?
Update, May 3rd 2009: Also in my forex blog, numbers have moved strangely.
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