Proud to announce: The Wadi

My associates and I are proud to announce today the launch of This new blog aims to cover all the news from Israeli web companies and startups. In addition to bringing the news, we have a company index which will constantly expand in its coverage and depth.

After months of thoughts, research, meetings and last minute tweaks, Gal Mor, Doron Gez and myself are launching TheWadi today. Gal is the editor in chief, Doron is in charge of business development and yours truly is the main writer, and also does some technical stitches. So if you see a bug, talk to me…

In the many talks we had before starting to work on the site, we found that there isn’t sufficient coverage for cool Israeli technology in English. Yes, some major tech sites occasionally cover Israeli startups, but this is too rare. We aim to provide constant and maximal exposure to our readers and followers.

Enough said here. Check out the About page, the Team page and the home page of The Wadi.