Sicko – My Small Israeli Experience

Unfortunately, I had spent many hours this week in the hospital accompanying a friend who is hospitalized. All in all, the “Tel Aviv Medical Center”, (aka Ichilov hospital) is ok.

The trouble is in the most important place – the emergency room. It’s a zoo! It took 16 hours to get out of there. The destination wasn’t home. It was moving to a department in the hospital. I think that spending 16 hours in the ER is way too much. The place was overcrowded and noisy.Without running after the doctors, nurses and secretaries, I think that it would have taken much longer.

I don’t know if the government is to blame because of constantly cutting the budgets. Maybe it’s the reputable hospital that just mismanages the ER, or a very unlucky day. According to other experienced people, this was not an unlucky day. Just a normal day there.

Is it the same in all emergency rooms? I hope not…

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